7 Day Jordan Itinerary – Perfect Jordan Itinerary for a Week
This 7 Days Jordan Itinerary will take you to float to the lowest point on Earth, to travel tens of kilometers in the stone city, to admire the desert landscape while you will drive enchanted along the Desert Highway and the Highway of the Kings.
But this tour in Jordan will also take you to the most tradition of the country, made up of camps of Bedouin nomads who graze goats, sheep and dromedaries.
Take a dip in the Red Sea, sip incredibly sweet tea, enjoy hummus and falafel, hear the Islamic call to prayer in the city and get ready to leave a piece of your heart in the desert of Wadi Rum.
Are you ready for all this?
Then let the following lines help you organize your trip to Jordan yourself and don’t forget to take a look at the detailed advice at the end of the page, which will concretely help you in the organization.
Table of Contents
7-day Jordan tour: itinerary
This 7-day do-it-yourself itinerary in Jordan has Amman as its departure airport.
Here I suggest you rent a car. You’ll soon realize that at these prices, there’s really no reason to rely on unreliable public service or more expensive taxis.
This tour is about 800 km, in which you won’t have the slightest problem with a simple small car.
If the airport where you will land is instead that of Aqaba, reverse the order of the stages by opening the map that you can conveniently find at this link (it is the same one that you will find below).
Tips: do you want to better understand how to prepare for this trip before looking at the day-by-day itinerary?
Then scroll to the bottom of the article and take all the time you need to read the travel advice (really complete and practical, I promise!).
If you want to get down to business instead, here is the detailed 7-day itinerary in Jordan.
Day 1: Mount Nebo, Dead Sea and overnight in a tented camp
Your first stop of the day will be Mount Nebo, where Moses is said to have sighted the Promised Land.
Marvel at the panoramic sweeps over the surrounding landscape, the distant view of the Dead Sea and the beautiful mosaic church inside. The entrance fee to the site is 3 JD (about €4).
Then take the winding road that will take you to the lowest point on Earth. Objective? Bathing in the Dead Sea and experience the strange sensation of floating without moving a single finger.
To do this, you can choose a public beach like Amman Beach, but it is not recommended given the high amount of litter on the beach.
If you still want to go down this road, just follow the signs for Amman Beach and park alongside the road in places managed by locals.
With only 10 JD you will be able to leave your car, you will receive mud with which to spread your body and you will be able to use clean water for the shower (very important!).
In any case, the best choice, even if not the cheapest, is to rely on one of the many resorts on the coast such as the Holiday Inn Beach (here the indications on Google Maps) with a private beach, which you can access even if you are not staying at the hotel, at a cost of around 40 JD (around €50).
After swimming and relaxing a bit, it’s time to head to the place where you will spend your first night in Jordan: the Barta Valley Tourism Camp, a tented camp immersed in silence and absolute peace.
The one-lane road that will lead you to the camp passes through stretches of nothingness and camps of Bedouin nomads and it may seem like you will never reach your destination.
But upon your arrival you will be welcomed with tea, you will spend time in the company of the other guests with whom you will conclude the evening with Bedouin dances and music.
At night in the tent it might be hot and windy to keep you awake, but if you want to experience something akin to nomadic life, this might be for you.
Half board is included in the price, but remember that there is no telephone service here.
Overnight: Barta Valley Tourism Camp.
Get the day 1 itinerary on Google Maps.
Day 2: Dana, Road of the Kings and Little Petra
After having breakfast at the Barta Valley, it’s time to leave the tents (but not literally, mind you) and start this second day of the itinerary in Jordan.
The first destination of the day will be Dana, a small stone village where you can stop for a short break to refresh yourself.
To reach it, you can decide to take the faster Desert Highway (or road 15) or the more scenic Strada dei Re (or road 35).
The King’s Highway, a 5,000-year-old road, will take you from bend to bend to fall in love with panoramic views and historical places, such as the crusader castle of Karak (admission included in the Jordan Pass).
After a restorative lunch in Dana, set out in the direction of Little Petra, or Little Petra, whose official name is Siq al-Barid.
Follow the directions of the navigator and take the detour to the right from the King Highway and be amazed, again, in front of the wonder of the journey to reach Little Petra.
Upon your arrival, treat yourself to a visit to this small site, among stalls and clubs that will show you the way to the best vantage point.
The visit will take you at most an hour very calmly, admission is free, but you can hire an unofficial guide upon your arrival for a few dinars – although, probably, she will hire you.
Overnight: Spend two nights – this one and the next – in Wadi Musa (the town adjacent to the ancient city of Petra) at the Petra Desert Dream Hotel with incredible views and the option to dine, or the cheaper Petra Pillars Hostel.
Get the day 2 itinerary on Google Maps.
Day 3: Petra
The days start really early during this 7-day itinerary in Jordan, but on the third day, the one dedicated to Petra,
I recommend that you set your wake up a little earlier to be at the entrance to the visitor center at least at 7.
This will allow you to start your visit to Petra early, beating the other visitors and especially enjoying the fresh air that can be in the morning.
Upon your arrival you will have to show the Jordan Pass at the ticket office, on the left after the gates, to obtain the printed ticket that will allow you to go through the turnstiles (if not what the Jordan Pass is and why you need it, I suggest you read the information you will find at the end of this itinerary).
Cross the more than 1 km long Siq and enjoy every glimpse of this long walk between rocks up to 200 meters high that will take you in front of the facade of the Treasury.
The best time to see this tomb is in the morning, when the sun illuminates it.
Continue to the right from the main road and then cross the small bridge shortly after, still on the right, which will take you to the Tomb of Unayshu.
Continuing from the height you will be able to enjoy one of the best views on the surrounding landscape. Admire the Street of Facades and the Theater just below and then continue towards the Altura del Sacrificio.
Return to the main road, admire the Great Temple and the Girl’s Castle. Then take the stairway in the direction of the Monastery, which you will reach after no less than 800 steps.
This journey (demanding, without a doubt) will take you all day, requiring you to cover at least 20km. In my opinion, with a little goodwill, lots of water, lots of energy bars and a not too sultry climate, one day will be enough to discover Petra within a 7-day itinerary in Jordan.
However, remember that if you visit Petra in winter the sun will set early, so it is advisable to dedicate two days to discover the site.
Overnight: Spend another night in Wadi Musa at the Petra Desert Dream Hotel, or the cheaper Petra Pillars Hostel.
Exactly “small”.: given the beauty of the Treasury, many tourists are looking for the iconic and instagrammable place for the famous shot.
You will have a few possibilities to do so: entrust yourself to a local Bedouin guide, obviously unauthorized, who can ask you from 7 to 20 JD (about € 26, which is really absurd) to travel the fastest and most abusive route just in front to the Treasury.
Alternative 2, you can lean on the rock at a height of one meter located right in front of the Treasury, where you will find a carpet from which to take the shot (again paying a few dinars).
Or, alternative 3, the cheapest and longest, will be to take the stepped path after the Royal Tombs, which after about 400 steps, it will take you to a tent (where to access you will have to buy something – and by something I mean a bottle of water for about 2 JD) from which you can admire the Treasury from very high up. On the map it is indicated with the green path.
Small note 2 : upon your arrival at the Treasury there will be some dromedaries in front of it which will certainly make your shot better.
However, remember that you may hear a small voice behind you telling you that the dromedaries are not there for charity and that you have to pay for the photo with them in close-up.
Day 4: Wadi Rum and night in the desert
“Wadi Rum is magic!” is the phrase that I have heard more often comparing myself with other travelers who had already spent the night in the desert and well .. I can only confirm it.
Start this fourth day of Jordan tour with Wadi Rum desert tour by booking with Rum Stars Camp. Having only one day available,
I suggest you opt for the Classic Beduin Tour of one day and one night, but depending on your preferences you can also choose the one of 2 days and 2 nights and so on (you can find all the info on their website).
You can contact them for booking or book the tent in which to spend the night directly on Booking: you can choose both simple tents (from €5 per night) and more luxurious structures with private bathrooms (from €90 per night).
After that, simply contact the facility to add the activities you wish to participate in.
Remember that you can only pay in cash at the Rum Stars Camp office in Wadi Rum village, right where you leave your car.
Furthermore, the entrance to Wadi Rum costs 5 JD, but it is free by showing the Jordan Pass.
Once you leave the car it will be time to meet your guide and climb into the tented body of the pick up that will take you around the incredible desert landscape.
Here you can admire petroglyphs, climb sand dunes, see dromedaries stroll under the scorching sun and have lunch in the shade with your group and guide.
After the afternoon nap it will be time to climb back on board to admire arches in the desert and the remains of the house of Lawrence of Arabia, until the sun goes down, when the guide will take you to the best place to see the sunset.
After that you will be taken to the tented camp where you will spend the night, but not before spending time together around the fire, eating food cooked with the heat of the sand and drinking some Bedouin tea.
If the sky is clear, you will also find the strength to stop longer and admire the starry sky from the darkness of the desert.
Tips: when you leave, put a sweatshirt in your rucksack, because it could be quite cool when the sun goes down.
Instead, you will find the rest of the bags upon your arrival in the tented camp.
Overnight: in a simple tent or in a more luxurious one of the Rum Stars Camp.
Get the itinerary for day 4 on Google Maps.
Day 5: Aqaba and the Red Sea
After breakfast in the heart of the desert, your guide will take you to Wadi Rum Village early in the morning.
Board your car and head to Aqaba, where some well-deserved rest awaits you.
To get to the city you will have to pass some checks, keep your passport at hand. Once here, I advise you against choosing a structure in the city center and not opting for the public beach: bear in mind that women cannot wear swimsuits on the beach (it is strictly forbidden) and could be subject to prying eyes and insistence.
Personally I don’t recommend it especially to women who travel without being in the company of a man (I found it a much more traditionalist and conservative city than the rest of the country).
It’s definitely better to opt for a relaxing day at a resort overlooking the Red Sea, such as the Tala Bay Resort Aqaba, with a private beach, even if the price is definitely higher than the standard maintained up to this part of the trip, I am convinced that it is worth it.
Overnight: Tala Bay Resort Aqaba.

Get the day 5 itinerary on Google Maps.
Day 6: Siq Trail to Wadi Mujib and Madaba in the evening
It’s time to go back north and head again near the Dead Sea: here is Wadi Mujib, a river between a canyon that flows into the Dead Sea.
By following the signs for the visitor center (here on Google Maps) you can follow the shortest road that passes alongside the border with Israel. The first part of the journey will take your breath away, especially at dawn, when the dunes alongside the road will be illuminated by the sun’s rays.
The road will always be almost straight and you will pass through small villages, which are also visibly very traditionalist.
Once you reach Wadi Mujib you can choose which path to take: I suggest the Siq Trail, an ascent tour in the canyon lasting about an hour each way and an hour back (the cost is 26 JD without a guide, about € 35 and it is advisable to arrive early in the morning to avoid the risk of not finding a place, as happened to me on the first try).
Remember that this excursion can be carried out in the months from April to October and that it is advisable to use rock shoes that have a good grip on the slippery stones.
I want to clarify one thing: the Siq Trail, which is the easiest and most famous route, is a real ascent in a canyon where water flows and often even reaches your throat.
Climbing between ropes, slippery rocks and cute little fish that will give you a pedicure, you will reach a waterfall at the end of the canyon. The experience itself is incredible and the scenery as well, but know that this is what you will participate in (and not a walk through the canyon with some water as I thought).
I’ve seen the ticket office also sell this tour to elderly people who turn back after a few meters, so please make sure you know what you’re getting into. If you are looking for more info, this is the reference site.
In the late afternoon you reach Madaba, where I suggest you dine on the outdoor terrace of the Jaw Zaman Restaurant and stay at the Madaba Camp Resort with car parking and breakfast included.
Get the day 6 itinerary on Google Maps.
Day 7: Madaba and return
Dedicate this last day of your 7-day itinerary in Jordan to the town of Madaba, famous for its mosaics.
Drop by the visitor center to pick up a map, visit Archaeological Park I (included in the Jordan Pass) and be pointed out to Jordan’s oldest mosaic (it’s the one right in front of the entrance).
Then enter the Church of San Giorgio (cost 1 JD, cash only) where in the pavement you will be able to see what remains of the largest and oldest mosaic-map representing Palestine.
If you like, you can also go to the Kawon Bookstore, where you can see ancient original books and have lunch outside. Continue the visit reaching the Church of the Decapitation (cost 1 JD, cash only) where you can climb the bell tower and admire the view over the city.
From here you will also see the golden dome of the mosque, which cannot be visited by women unaccompanied by a man.
In the city you will also find souvenir and spice shops at a good price to go shopping and take some of this incredible land home with you (although I’m sure it will have earned a beautiful place in your heart!).
Get the itinerary for day 7 on Google Maps.
Tips for a DIY trip to Jordan
Recommended airport : you can land at Aqaba airport (south) or Amman airport (north). I don’t actually want to recommend one airport over the other, as this 7-day Jordan itinerary touches both cities. Simply choose the most economically convenient and practical one based on your departure city and possibly reverse the order of the stages.
Save with the Jordan Pass: if you will spend at least 3 nights in Jordan, buy the Jordan Pass to save (here the official website).
The pass will entitle you to free admission to 40 attractions across the country, including Petra, and the cost of the entry visa will be included.
You can choose between 3 different versions of the Jordan Pass, the price variation of which depends on the number of entries to Petra.
In my opinion, the cheapest version with one-day admission at a cost of 70 JD – around €92 – is perfect for a 7-day itinerary. The summary table on this page will help you better understand the available versions and prices.
Entry visa: a passport with a residual validity of at least 6 months and a visa are required to enter Jordan. You can obtain a visa in Italy at the Jordanian consulates or upon your arrival at the airport at a cost of 40 Jordanian dinars.
Remember : if you have purchased the Jordan Pass, the visa will be included and you just need to show it to get the stamp. The queues at the airport for stamping and passport control may not be the fastest in the world. Arm yourself with patience.
Getting around: you can get around Jordan by bus – here the official website, the shared taxi that you can book with the Uber App or Careem.com, or by driving independently with a rental car.
Driving is on the right, as we do, and the rental cost is quite cheap. We are talking about €250 for 8 days of rental, insurance included, in the month of May by booking online.
Telephony and payments: when you arrive at the airport, buy a local sim. The companies Umniah, Orange and Zain have good rates in terms of GB and good coverage throughout the country.
If you don’t have time to stop and buy a sim, you can opt to install an e-sim by downloading the Airalo App on your phone and following the indicated procedure.
The price is cheaper than the local sim, but it can save you time. The local currency is the Jordanian Dinar (JD) and accommodation facilities (with the exception of hotels) and local shops often do not accept card payments.
I suggest you withdraw when you arrive at the airport and always have cash with you. Remember that the fee for each withdrawal is approximately 6 JD. Outside the Petra visitor center is an ATM with a slightly lower fee of 4 JD.
Trip Cost : The total cost of this trip was approximately €800 per person including meals, accommodation, activities, fuel, car rental and Jordan Pass by dividing common expenses such as car and fuel by 2 and staying for the greater in simple structures.
However, remember that prices may vary over time.
Customs and traditions: Jordanians are kind people who welcome you with a sincere “welcome”. They are not too intrusive, but remember that it is always good to negotiate at the time of purchase (you will realize that sometimes they give out really absurd prices).
In the most touristic places such as Petra and Little Petra you could get saturated by the many times during the course of the day you will have to say “No thanks”.
Women unaccompanied by a man cannot visit the mosques and it is good practice to wear long, light clothes to respect local traditions.
Food and drink : Jordanians like extremely sugary drinks, especially tea. You’ll find bread and hummus at every meal worth calling it, and often falafel and other vegetables.
As a vegetarian, I haven’t encountered the slightest problem in Jordan, but know that other typical dishes are based on lamb and chicken (some restaurants also serve camel meat).
Being a Muslim country you will struggle to find alcohol outside the luxury hotels. If you come across beer, it will most likely be non-alcoholic, and it will be super sweet too. Don’t forget to taste the cardamom coffee too.
What to bring: a power bank could be a good thing, since you will be spending at least 2 nights in tented camps. You will need a power adapter during your trip especially in the southern part of the country, such as Aqaba, where the power outlets are type G.
In the north you will find the classic two-prong ones. If you will mainly choose simple accommodation and not luxury hotels, bringing a sleeping bag with you will be useful to ensure that you always sleep clean (Jordan standards of cleanliness are not very high).
Time zone and daylight hours : in Jordan there is an hour of time zone more than in Italy. The sun always rises quite early in the morning, but sets at about 4.30pm in the winter. Check out the sunrise and sunset calendar for your dates on this site.
FAQ – Questions with Answers
1 – What to see in Jordan?
Among the things to see in Jordan, the Dead Sea certainly stands out, where you can indulge in a “zero gravity” bath, Petra and Little Petra, the magical and incomparable desert of Wadi Rum, the tented camps of the Bedouin nomads.
But also the towns of Jerash where the best preserved Roman remains in the country are kept, Amman the capital and Madaba, famous for its mosaics. Nearby Mount Nebo, where Moses is said to have sighted the Promised Land and the canyons of Wadi Mujib.
Aqaba is also worth a visit to indulge in some well-deserved relaxation in one of the Red Sea resorts. All along the famous Highway of the Kings and the Desert Highway.
2 – When to go to Jordan?
The best time to travel to Jordan is spring and autumn.
In the months of May, June, September and October the climate is acceptable and the days long enough to enjoy the journey.
July and August are characterized by hot weather, which keeps most tourists away.
November is characterized by strong winds and rains that cause flash floods. In winter, from December to March, the weather is quite cold with lows below 10℃ and the sun sets at around 4:30 pm.
Warning: make sure you don’t plan your trip to coincide with Ramadan, unless that’s exactly what you want.
I hope this 7-day Jordan itinerary, with tips included, has been a good starting point to help you organize your own trip.
If this is not the case or you have any doubts or questions to which you have not found an answer in the article, leave your comment below and I will be really happy to help you.
Thank you for relying on the advice of BonAdvisor, see you soon and enjoy this wonderful land!